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Arkitektur - doktorsexamen Bedömningsområde: Utformning, genomförande och resultat

Utbildningen nedlagd av lärosätet
Publicerad: 2019-04-02
Lärosäte: Umeå universitet
Typ av examen: Forskarnivå
Ämne: Arkitektur
Typ av granskning: Uppföljning av utbildningsutvärdering

Overall assessment of the aspect area 'design, teaching/learning and outcomes'

I den tidigare utvärderingen framgår följande av bedömargruppens yttrande:

In the overall assessment the aspect area 'design, teaching/learning and outcomes' is deemed to be not satisfactory.

The assessment panel sees a need for improvement in 'knowledge and understanding', ‘competence and skills’ and 'judgement and approach'. A step-by-step plan elaborating how the programme will ensure that the doctoral students achieve the qualitative targets is needed.

The panel is concerned that there is no mention in the self-evaluation of the difficulties experienced by previous doctoral students. In the interview with strategic staff, it became clear that changes had been implemented in the programme in response to student feedback, but it remains unclear to the panel what actions were taken to address the students’ concerns and how these actions affect the concerns of the aspect area 'design, teaching/learning and outcomes'. Since there are no doctoral students in the programme, the panel suggests that a specific account of the changes implemented be provided, together with a description of the issues they address.

Moreover, following the interviews the assessment panel had concerns regarding an apparent lack of communication between operational and strategic staff. It believes this communication needs to be improved to ensure the satisfactory development of the programme.

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