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Musik - konstnärlig licentiat- och doktorsexamen Bedömningsområde: Doktoranders perspektiv

Hög kvalitet
Publicerad: 2019-04-02
Lärosäte: Lunds universitet
Typ av examen: Forskarnivå
Ämne: Musik
Typ av granskning: Utbildningsutvärdering

Assessment criteria: Doctoral student perspective

Doctoral students are given the opportunity to take an active role in the work to improve the content and implementation of the programme.

Doctoral students have good opportunities to influence content and implementation of the programme, both formally and informally. The self-evaluation states that the individual study plans are tailor-made according to the doctoral student’s project and that the individual study plans are regularly reviewed by the doctoral students and supervisors. The assessment panel recognizes that the amount and quality of supervision is high and well varied due to active international exchanges and the activities at the IAC. Doctoral students have a wide choice of participating in courses and seminars, according to individual needs, both within and outside the institution.

Doctoral students evaluate the programme in various forms, individually, in groups, and as written responses. Viewpoints and experiences of the doctoral students on the courses are discussed regularly and student feedback is used to improve the programme. As an example of good practice, a doctoral student survey has been carried out and the results are taken as basis for further improvement.

Supervision is revised if necessary and there is a transparent procedure for changing a supervisor. In addition, doctoral students have good opportunities to participate actively in decision processes on department and university level. It became evident from the interviews that there are major staff changes under way and that in the near future difficulties changing supervisors might arise due to the low numbers of qualified supervisors available.

The programme ensures a good physical and psycho-social work environment for the doctoral student.

The self-evaluation shows that the IAC provides the necessary infrastructure for artistic research projects of the doctoral students, including flexible localities, project rooms, and studio technology. The assessment panel notes that improvements need to be made with respect to the availability of competent technical support in the IAC and more individual workspace for the doctoral students.

The current student group is very small, although active and coherent. The assessment panel notes that the currently all female student group is seen to moderate the gender imbalance among supervisors and former doctoral students. As an example of good practice, several doctoral students are involved in joint research projects with supervisors. The creation of further doctoral student positions is a potential area of improvement.

Overall assessment of the assessment area doctoral student perspective


Doctoral students have good opportunities to influence content and implementation of the programme. Individual study plans are tailor-made according to the students’ projects and are discussed regularly. When needed, supervision is revised. Doctoral students have a wide choice of courses and seminars that address their individual needs, both within and outside the institution. Viewpoints and experiences of the doctoral students are discussed regularly and the feedback is used to improve the programme.

There is a transparent procedure for changing a supervisor. Doctoral students have good opportunities to participate actively in decision processes also on the department and university levels.

The IAC provides the necessary infrastructure for the doctoral students to carry out their artistic research projects. Increased availability of competent technical support in the IAC and more individual workspace for the doctoral students are potential areas of improvement.

The current student group is very small, although active and coherent. The assessment panel notes that the currently all female student group is seen to moderate the gender imbalance among supervisors and former doctoral students. As an example of good practice, several doctoral students are involved in joint research projects with supervisors. The creation of further doctoral student positions is a potential area of improvement.

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