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Samlat omdöme Musikalisk gestaltning - licentiat- och doktorsexamen

Hög kvalitet
Publicerad: 2019-04-02
Lärosäte: Luleå tekniska universitet
Typ av examen: Forskarnivå
Ämne: Musik
Typ av granskning: Utbildningsutvärdering

In conclusion, the programme is assessed as maintaining high quality.

The assessment panel notes that although the present supervisor capacity is sufficient, additional supervisors will need to be recruited when/if the number of doctoral students and the range of topics increase. The assessment panel acknowledges the good collaborations within the higher education institution, but recommends the programme to engage more in national and international networks. Doctoral students should present more at international conferences and a post-doctoral programme should be installed to attract international researchers. The assessment panel notes with concern that the doctoral students, despite the excellent infrastructure, are rarely on Campus Piteå (only one week/month), which can have a negative impact on the research environment.

The assessment panel notes that the target knowledge and understanding is well addressed by the research seminars, which are held regularly and efficiently. However, the assessment panel is concerned about the fact that no criteria seem to be in place to evaluate artistic work and it suggests a clear project description be added to the individual study plan. The assessment panel acknowledges the wide range of available courses and suggests, that some should be made compulsory. With respect to developing competence and skills, the assessment panel notes that students are well trained to plan and conduct research in a timely fashion and that there is a robust system in place for remedial measures should they be required. The students’ intellectual autonomy and artistic integrity are also well-trained in the regular research seminars. With respect to gender equality the assessment panel notes a good balance among students and supervisory team. The content, design, implementation and examinations are systematically followed up. The outcomes of the follow-up are translated, when necessary, into actions for quality improvement. The assessment panel sees potential areas of improvement in developing and maintaining contact with alumni and feeding their knowledge and experiences back into the programme.

The assessment panel notes that doctoral students have good opportunities to influence content and implementation of the programme. Doctoral students can choose from wide range of courses and seminars according that address their needs, both within and outside the institution. The working conditions are good due to the excellent infrastructure. The integration of doctoral students in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes is supported through teaching and supervision.

The programme offers enough breadth to allow doctoral students sufficiently to prepare themselves for both an academic career and a career outside academia. It became evident from the self-evaluation that doctoral students in Musical performance almost always have considerable experience as professional musicians and, in many cases, as teachers. Moreover, the research within the program presupposes continued musical activity in public contexts by the doctoral students. This means that the doctoral students bring experience from working life when admitted and continue their public musical work after admission, as a natural and necessary part of their research. The doctoral students are also prepared for a career within the academy since courses in university pedagogy and in supervision are part of their studies.

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