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judiska studier - magister Bedömningsområde: Studenters perspektiv

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Publicerad: 2022-04-12
Lärosäte: Stiftelsen Paideia
Typ av examen: Magisterexamen
Ämne: Stiftelsen Paideia - Judiska studier
Typ av granskning: Prövning av examenstillstånd

Assessment area: Student perspective

Justification: The programme works to allow students to take an active role in improving the content and implementation of the programme.

After the panel has reviewed the application and interviewing both previous and current students, the assessment panel has found that the criteria for the assessment area for student perspective are fulfilled. The students appear to be given ample opportunities to actively shape and influence the teaching and learning environment at Paideia.

The students have a student forum and a student council, and there are established opportunities for the members of these organisations to engage the with leadership team. The students have a representative on the board, and the interviews show that Paideia actively seeks feedback from students and teachers at various points during the program and after via surveys. The panel were also given examples of how Paideia takes action based on the feedback, for example they initiated the Project Incubator.

The interviews showed that student concerns have been handled, and the results seemed to satisfy the students’ requests. This said, it may not be advisable to change the exam type in the middle of the course, not even to accommodate student wishes. Rather the feedback should be considered for future development of the course and the course plan be revised before the next time the course is offered.

Overall, the assessment panel found that the students and teachers felt that there are ample opportunities for them to work together to make improvements to the program for both the current group, as well as for the future groups. The fact that the alumni organisation is so strong and still so connected to Paideia shows that there is a strong bond between the students and Paideia which says that the students must feel that their perspectives are taken into consideration and valued.

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