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Arkitektur - licentiat- och doktorsexamen Bedömningsområde: Jämställdhetsperspektiv

Hög kvalitet
Publicerad: 2018-05-02
Lärosäte: Kungl. Tekniska högskolan
Typ av examen: Forskarnivå
Ämne: Arkitektur
Typ av granskning: Utbildningsutvärdering

Gender equality perspective

A gender equality perspective is integrated in the programme's design and teaching/learning activities.

The higher education institution is very active from this perspective and explicitly stresses gender issues in the programme’s design, content, and teaching/learning activities. This also forms part of the ongoing work of research groups that inclusively address gender issues in articles and presentations, take part in conferences that present gender issues as a main topic, etc., as well as courses that aim to raise awareness vis-à-vis gender biases and the reproduction of certain gender references. Last but not least, the higher education institution was active in the organisation of the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) conference on ‘Architecture and Feminism’ in 2016, and in undergraduate courses for permanent professional education (PPE) that address gender issues and contents. Finally, it supports doctoral students who are interested in exploring gender-related issues in their research.

At the higher education institution, the thematic of course contents influences the balance between males and females participating. Some areas attract more females, other males. The programme includes nine male and 16 female doctoral students. Staff is balanced: about a half male and half female.

Systematic follow-up is performed to ensure that the programme's design and teaching/learning activities promote gender equality. The results of the follow-up are translated, when necessary, into actions for quality improvement, and feedback is given to relevant stakeholders.

The higher education institution has developed a policy that encourages men and women to take courses addressing gender biases, not only on a practical level and in everyday practice, but also regarding research fields and course content. Similarly, according to the self-evaluation, a set of rules has been developed to make sure that one group does not dominate discussions. For example, an individual who would like to respond can speak only after being recognised by the moderator.

Gender equality is an important issue on the agenda of the higher education institution and, according to the self-evaluation, the system is still being improved. Examples of actions taken are analysing formal and informal practices regarding gender and discussing their impact with students and staff, focusing on a balanced recruitment of doctoral students and staff, and the continuous evaluation of gender content of each research field.

To conclude, the higher education institution is a leading institution in the field of gender equality and architecture. The assessment panel emphasises the good example of a broad and comprehensive approach of gender issues on all levels of third-cycle education.

In the overall assessment, the gender equality perspective is deemed to be satisfactory.

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