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Arkitektur - doktorsexamen Bedömningsområde: Doktoranders perspektiv

Ifrågasatt kvalitet
Publicerad: 2018-05-02
Lärosäte: Umeå universitet
Typ av examen: Forskarnivå
Ämne: Arkitektur
Typ av granskning: Utbildningsutvärdering

Doctoral student perspective

The programme allows the doctoral students to play an active part in the work of improving the programme and learning processes.

Looking at the proposed structure, the self-evaluation mentions several concrete plans for how the doctoral students will be able to make their voices heard and be able to partake in developing their education. However, since there are currently no doctoral students enrolled in the programme, the assessment panel cannot assess the experience of doctoral students; therefore, the assessment is solely based on the self-evaluation, general study plan, and interviews with the staff.

As part of the assessment, the panel has also been given a document containing grievances and complaints from former doctoral students, primarily concerning the working environment, management of the department, and access to supervision. As the panel has already noted, the self-evaluation does not mention this background. However, in the interviews, the staff agreed and accepted some of the criticisms from the former doctoral students and it was stated that the previous environment and working culture was indeed non-functional. It is not fully clear to the panel, however, what parts of the previous students' complaints were accepted by the staff. The strategic staff argued that they have worked for several years to improve and mend the working environment at the department, and that there are new management structures in place to make sure that this cannot happen again. As no information was provided to the panel on the extent of the changes, it is recommended, as noted above, that the higher education institution provides specific details on changes that have been implemented together with a description of the issues they address.

The programme is systematically followed up to ensure that doctoral student input is used in quality assurance and improvement of the programme. The results of the follow-up are translated, when necessary, into actions for quality improvement, and feedback is given to relevant stakeholders.

The follow-up regarding the doctoral student perspective that is proposed in the self-evaluation is systematic and offers several levels of follow-up as well as opportunities for students to influence their education.

The assessment panel wants to highlight the idea of an annual research studies seminar that will, according to the self-evaluation, focus on improving the programme. In addition, the planned use of a yearly survey specifically aimed toward doctoral students should be commended. Several levels of follow-up are put forward in the self-evaluation such as common planning days, which should serve as opportunities for all doctoral students to make their voices heard and exert influence over their education, and a yearly university-wide employee survey.

In the overall assessment, the doctoral perspective is deemed to be satisfactory.

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