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Arkitektur - doktorsexamen Bedömningsområde: Uppföljning, åtgärder och återkoppling

Ifrågasatt kvalitet
Publicerad: 2018-05-02
Lärosäte: Umeå universitet
Typ av examen: Forskarnivå
Ämne: Arkitektur
Typ av granskning: Utbildningsutvärdering

Overall assessment of the aspect area 'follow-up, actions and feedback'

In the overall assessment, the aspect area 'follow-up, actions and feedback' is deemed to reach a basic level that allows it to be declared satisfactory.

Regarding the aspect area 'environment, resources and area', the assessment panel sees potential areas of improvement as the self-evaluation is minimal regarding the systematic follow-up of staff expertise and the third-cycle programme environment. It is unclear what the forums for discussion and lines of communications are and how follow-up will be enacted. The panel strongly recommends that the programme develop a five-year development plan that includes related resourcing.

Regarding the aspect area 'design, teaching/learning and outcomes', the panel sees that the follow-up of the doctoral students' progress will take place through the individual study plans as well as through seminars. This could not be verified because there are no individual study plans to assess. The panel is concerned that the self-evaluation gives no details of actions that have been taken in response to the complaints from earlier doctoral students in order to improve the programme.

In the 'working life perspective', the panel notes that the quality management system of the higher education institution does not mention working life perspective and so this is a potential area of improvement. Furthermore, the follow-up of alumni is also an area in need of improvement.

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